Icy Barrage or Extinction Barrage ?
I'm getting back into GW after a short playing stint a while ago. I'm playing a Ranger and just picked up my first elite, which was Barrage. I'm thinking about either running an Icy Barrage build (I only have the "frost" version of the conjure spells so far), or a Barrage/Pet build that uses edge of extinction -- area effect from barrage to get balls bellow 90% while the pet focuses on single targets to trigger the extinction effect.
The first version seems fairly tried and true, but would anyone have recommendations on where to find an icy bow, or an icy bowstring (I own Nightfall and Prophecies only)?
For the second, how would a build like this work (using a zealous bow for energy management)?
Marksmanship 12 + 1 + 1
Expertise 8 +1
Beast Mastery 10
Edge of Extinction
Favorable Winds
Never Rampage Alone
Brutal Strike
Predator's Pounce
Comfort Animal
Option: Otyugh's Cry, Distracting Shot, or Disrupting Shot